
Plant-Based vs Vegan

Learn the differences between plant-based and vegan lifestyles.

By Sarah Brandow

You have likely heard the terms 'plant-based' and 'vegan' thrown around rather interchangeably in the media in recent years. While they are certainly similar, there are some important differences between the two terms.

Veganism is an ethical stance. It’s a philosophy and way of living that excludes all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty towards, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. This ideology goes beyond food and includes avoiding leather, silk, wool, products tested on animals, or personal care products with animal-derived ingredients.

A plant-based lifestyle simply refers to the food you eat. It means you are avoiding or limiting animal products, as well as highly processed foods. Someone can be vegan, but if their diet is not centred around whole plant foods then they will not look and feel their best. The recent increase in vegan substitutes (imitation meats, cheeses, eggs, ice cream, desserts) and the increasing availability of vegan fast food items can have a detrimental effect on health if not consumed in moderation. I believe that the focus should always be around health and achieving total wellness- mind, body, and spirit. I encourage all vegans to channel the love they have for animals towards nourishing themselves with nutritious and wholesome foods. It's easier to be a better advocate for our environment and the animals if you are healthy, happy, energized and focused.

If you feel strongly about the horrible treatment of commodified animals across all industries and want to become 100% vegan, thats great! It's gotten much easier to find beautiful vegan-friendly options for shoes, accessories, and personal care products. If you just want to focus on food for now, that’s okay too. Know where you are at and make changes at a pace that you feel comfortable with. Don't beat yourself up over food choices, be proud of how far you have come and commit to constantly becoming a better version of yourself.

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