
Healing Psoriasis, Eczema, & Skin Disorders from the Inside Out

Explore how gut dysbiosis causes psoriasis and eczema and discover dietary changes, supplements, and lifestyle tips to heal your skin naturally with Sarah Brandow’s expert advice.

By Sarah Brandow

Understanding the Root Cause of Skin Conditions

While it may seem like skin conditions are a surface-level problem, psoriasis and eczema are actually autoimmune disorders caused by an imbalance of the healthy bacteria that live in our small intestines. Flare-ups are often triggered by stress, which points us to the root cause—gut dysbiosis.

What is Gut Dysbiosis?

Gut dysbiosis occurs when the microbial colonies in the small intestine have an excess of pathogenic or “bad” bacteria and not enough beneficial or “good” bacteria. This can happen for short periods of time and typically the body can correct itself. When the condition becomes chronic through poor diet, stress, or lack of sleep, you may end up with an overgrowth of unwanted bacteria or fungus. In more serious conditions, this manifests as psoriasis or eczema.

Healing Through Gut Rebalancing

By rebalancing the gut flora, the conditions will clear up on their own. While that may sound simple, it’s important to note that strict adherence to a healing diet as well as some patience and self-love are essential. Without treating the root cause, topical treatments won’t work for long.

Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

Inflammatory foods like wheat, sugar, and animal products, especially dairy, often play a huge role. What I have seen as most effective with my clients is implementing a strict plant-based diet free of wheat, oil, and processed foods for at least 30 days, as well as daily green juices without fruit and wheatgrass shots.

Diet Recommendations

Your diet should include both probiotic capsules and plenty of prebiotic foods so your beneficial gut bacteria have something to feed off of. Common prebiotics include:

  • Jicama
  • Onions
  • Chicory root
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Gluten-free oats
  • Flax seeds
  • Seaweed
  • Apples
  • Raw cacao

Other Triggers and Supplements

Birth control pills and toxic home cleaning/personal care products can also play a large role in triggering severe skin conditions. Other considerations for your daily routine would be:

  • Chlorella (an algae high in nutrients and healthy omega-3s)
  • Liquid chlorophyll
  • Organic greens powder

Enjoy lots of huge salads, green juices, and big green smoothies—the more raw healing foods you eat, the sooner you will see improvement.

Healing Smoothie Recipe

A big smoothie in the morning with a handful of blueberries (frozen is fine), flax seeds (buy them whole and make sure they get ground up into a fine powder in the smoothie), a banana, almond milk, and a few large handfuls of leafy greens is super healing.

Get Professional Help

Hope you feel better soon! 🌱

If you need help managing your skin disorders and want an experienced nutrition professional to guide you every step of the way, check out my coaching programs and apply to work with me!

Yours in health,


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